"Stay out of trouble!"
Sometimes people, well salesmen, will spout off a closing comment as you're walking out of the store in order to feign friendliness. I guess these are supposed to remind you that the person working on commission is "actually a really good guy." I dont know if this particular saying belongs in that category, but I fucking hate it anyway.
"Stay out of trouble"? What trouble could that dude's lame ass possibly get into? Sending in his car payment two days late? Forgetting to fill in a section on his taxes? I know for a fact he will listen to public AM radio on the way home.
Depending on the shmuck, I'll bet the most frequent response to this brilliant advice is usually "I'll try! hahahaha." Living on the edge for you is probably failing to get your 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Remember January when you were laying in bed and realized you were a peach short for the day? Never seen someone walk so briskly into the kitchen and hurriedly scarf a banana. So crazy.
I have a suggestion for you: do something that warrants this word of warning and you'll have my respect. Like heroin.
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